
Book Review 2-3

I read “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. This story’s main character is Ichabod Crane is a school teacher. He is thin and tall. He lives in Sleepy Hollow, and there is the legend of headless horseman.

He teaches singing for some student, one of them, a beautiful girl whose name is Katrina, he loves her. However Ichabod’s big rival Bram loves her too. He is strong and big. Ichabod had a good time with Katrina, and Bram envies him. He wants to win Katrina’s heart, so he tried to get him angry by every conceivable, but it was failure.

One night, Ichabod was invited a party from Katrina, and on his way to home, he past by the church where that the headless horseman lives, and Ichabod disappear from then. Years later, Ichabod lives well. Bram surprised him then.

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