
Toy story

Woody is the reader of members of Andy’s toy. They stir when humans aren’t near them. Woody has been Andy’s favorite since kindergarten.

One day Andy’s birthday party was hold. Ant the toys were very afraid because of replacing by the new toys. Therefore they sent out the troops to check what the Andy’s toys were. The presents of Andy’s were not toy, but Andy’s mother presented him a new toy surprise. It was a Buzz Lightyear which is a popular for young boys. He thought hat he was a real Space Ranger. Woody did not like him because Buzz did replaced the spot of special Woody’s place where was the Andy’s bed. The other toys liked Buzz because he had some better devices than Woody. Woody thought he was still Andy’s favorite toy. However, strange things were happen to Woody. The toys like Buzz and Andy does too! Andy was excited with Buzz. Buzz was to repaired his spaceship.

Andy’s neighbor is Sid, he destroy toys just for fun.

One day, Woody pushed Buzz into the Sid’s garden by accident. The other toys blamed him. He excused, but no one believed him. Andy went to Pizza Planet grabbing with Woody. Buzz followed the car which Andy and Woody rode on. The car stopped at the gas station for a minute, Woody and Buzz were lost there. However, woody found a car of Pizza Planet. They got in it.

At the Pizza Planet, Woody found Andy, but Buzz found a spaceship which was a UFO catcher. Woody and Buzz were caught by Sid. There were many scaring toys in Sid’s room. They were destroyed by Sid. Woody and Buzz tried to ran away from Sid, but Sid has a terrible bog. Woody went to down stair saying famous phrase in the “Withered of the Oz”. Buzz watched the CM of Buzz Lightyear’s. He knew that he was a toy, but he tried to fry. “To infinity and beyond!” Of cause he couldn’t. He was so disappointed. He was caught by Sid. He wanted to shoot up Buzz with rocket. Woody cooperated with Sid’s toys to save Buzz. The next day was Andy would be moving.

Next day, Sid was to blow Buzz. They scared him. They move in front of Sid. Finally they could save Buzz, but the moving van was to leave. Woody and Buzz couldn’t get on the van. They chased it with toy car, but the car didn’t have enough battery, and Sid’s dog chased them. Woody and Buzz fried with rocket which Buzz rolled around him. They could go to Andy. Woody and Buzz get to be best friend.

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