
Book review 9

I read “Jane Eyre”. It was written by Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre was poor girl when she was young. Her parents were gone. Therefore she was adopted her uncle’s family. Her uncle was very kind to her, but her aunt and cousin did not kind to her. She did not like aunt and cousin. Then her uncle was died too, so her aunt decided to have take her into care. Jane Eyre has to live the dormitory. When she gets old, she came to be a governess. She fall in love with the owner, and he proposed her, but he have been married to another woman. Jane Eyre left him, but finally she got marry with him. It’s happy end. I like this book because I watched this movie before in my English literature introduction. I like this movie too. But the star playing Jane is not beautiful. I want to someone beautiful plays Jane. I want to read another Bronte sister’s books.

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